
Showing posts with the label ways to use lemons and limes for health

Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes

(WebMD) We all know the importance of hydration and the need to drink water on a daily basis. The first thing I drink when I wake up before my morning coffee is a tall glass of lemon water. I'll admit, I do love my diet soda around lunchtime, but I make sure to drink a glass of water first. Water dissolves vitamins and minerals making them easily accessible to the body after you eat. It's also a crucial part of healthy liver and kidney function. Adding lemon and lime to your glass of water only intensifies the health benefits. Here are the top reasons why I always keep both lemons and limes on hand in my kitchen. 1. Citrus Has Anti-Aging Properties Citrus fruits are jam-packed with ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) that our bodies can't create. This promotes the production of collagen that's responsible for keeping our skin soft and supple. As I mentioned in my article about collagen and aging HERE , we lose 1.5% of our collagen every year after the age of 20. This ca