
Showing posts with the label keto english muffins

Quick And Easy Keto Bread

Since I started the keto diet, one of the hardest sacrifices like many was bread. I used to eat an English muffin every morning with eggs. My husband and son are not keto and are carb fanatics, so making dinner is even harder! It's impossible for me to find a loaf of keto bread at my grocery store that tastes good. This one actually does. This quick and easy keto bread recipe is a no-brainer and only takes 90 seconds to make. You can use it for toast, sandwiches, or as a replacement for an English muffin. I like to experiment with different microwave safe vessels so I can use this keto bread in various ways. I promise you this keto bread kicks ass! For this recipe, I'm using a circle-shaped ramekin to make a breakfast sammy. You can choose to use a small square shaped vessel for grilled cheese or french toast. When it's finished you can eat it as is or I like to toast it. I'll spread a little butter on the slices and put them face down in a skillet for a few minutes (I