
Showing posts with the label celebrity diets that work

What You Can And Can't Eat On The Alkaline Diet

(Photo credit: With so many fad diets out there it's overwhelming and difficult to navigate through all their claims. You may have heard about the alkaline diet but don't overlook it as just another trend. It can actually be beneficial to your health and prevent or even fight cancer. With claims like these, it's definitely worth taking a look.  What Is The Alkaline Diet? The theory is such that certain foods are harmful because they produce acid in the body. Creators of the alkaline diet believe that if you consume certain foods and beverages, you can change your pH levels. Eating red meat can affect your pH levels and lead to poor health. The alkaline diet claims it can help prevent cancer and arthritis. High pH levels are also associated with obesity, increased blood sugar levels, and high amounts of the inflammatory marker CRP. Research has shown that cancer cells thrive in environments that are highly acidic. High acidic equals low pH levels. Therefore,