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Toned Abs Without Sit ups

                                                 (Photo credit: Health and Style)

Sit ups are the worst. In fact, I don't know anyone who really looks forward to doing them at the end of their workout. The good news is, crunches aren't necessarily the most effective way to tone your midriff. You must implement high intensity cardio training to burn the fat covering your stomach muscles. Here is a list of the top abdominal exercises to get that toned tummy without the boredom. 

1. Stability Ball Mountain Climbers

This is a plank variation that makes you work harder due to the instability of the ball. 

1. Start with your hands on the medicine ball and walk your feet back into a plank position.

2. Pull one knee towards your chest at a time and return to starting position.

3. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps or until it becomes to challenging.

2. Pot-Stirrers

This is another excellent medicine ball plank exercise for a full abdominal burn. 

1. Place forearms on your medicine ball intertwining your fingers together. 

2. Walk feet back into a plank position keeping your back flat (don't arch or hump forward).

3. Circle your arms clockwise and counterclockwise.

4. Continue until failure. 

3. Weighted Russian Twists

This exercise targets your obliques and waist. You can use a weighted ball, dumbbells, or any object around the home that's at least 5 lbs.

1.  Sit on the floor with your knees bent and lie on your back. 

2. Lift your torso up at a 45-degree angle and raise your knees.

3. With your weights in hand and your hips still, rotate your body side to side. 

4. Aim for 3 sets of 10-15. Moving from both right to left counts as 1 rep. 

4. Dumbbell Side Bend

This is actually one of my favorite abdominal exercises that targets your obliques one side at a time. Instead of holding two dumbbells at a time, just hold one focusing on the side you're working on. 

1. Stand with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. 

2. Lean to your side lowering the dumbbell as far down towards your knee as you can. 

3. Return to the upright position and repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps each side. 

5. Supermans

You can't have a strong core without a strong lower back and good posture. Supermans will improve both while elongating your core. 

1. Lay face down with your arms extending in front of you and legs spread apart.

2. Like Superman, lift your arms and legs off the floor and hold for five seconds then return to starting position. 

3. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps


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