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The Benefits Of The Fodmap Diet

                                 (Phot credit: Thegeriatricdietician.com)
I came across the FODMAP diet when I was googling stomach symptoms I had been having suddenly for a couple of weeks. I was experiencing cramping, dull pain, and constipation only after I ate certain foods. After a lot of research, I self-diagnosed myself with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. I started keeping a journal of everything I ate to see what was affecting my stomach. Most of the irritation came from sugar and foods high in fat. I later saw my doctor who confirmed I have IBS. The diet plan she came up with turned out to include everything recommended on the FODMAP diet. 

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These are sugars or short-chained carbohydrates that the small intestine can't absorb correctly. The FODMAP diet was designed for those who experience IBS and gastrointestinal issues. The plan is meant to be temporary until you are able to assess which foods must be eliminated from your diet. Of course, you should talk to your doctor before starting the FODMAP diet. It may be ideal for you if you are experiencing these symptoms especially after eating:

* Cramping

* Diarrhea

* Constipation

* Stomach bloating

* Gas and flatulence

How The FODMAP Diet Works

The FODMAP diet is about the process of elimination consisting of three steps. The first step is to stop eating high FODMAP foods. Common high FODMAP foods are:

* Wheat

* Garlic

* Onions

* Certain fruits (apples, watermelon, peaches, cherries, plums)

* Legumes

* Sweeteners

* Certain dairy products (cottage cheese, ricotta, milk, cream cheese, yogurt)

* Wine and rum

After you've ommitted these foods for a few weeks, the next step is to slowly reintroduce them to see which ones are affecting your gut. 

Lastly, once you have identified the specific foods that are causing your symptoms you can limit them and enjoy everything else without worry. 

Focus on eating foods that are low FODMAP foods such as:

Eggs and meat

Low-fat cheeses (brie, cheddar, feta, camembert)

Quinoa and steel-cut oats or soaked oats

Almond milk

Vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, potatoes)

Fruits (oranges, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, pineapple)

FODMAP Diet Sample Meal Ideas


Steel-cut oats


Mixed nuts
2 Slices low-fat cheese
Whole-wheat crackers


Chicken breast
Baby spinach salad
Sweet potato
1/2 Cup cooked quinoa


Green beans
Beef stir-fry
Steamed brown rice


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